Philodendron Luxurians Vs Gloriosum: A Detailed Comparison for Plant Enthusiasts

Both of these luxurious plants belong to the Araceae plant family, genus Philodendron. Philodendron has many varieties that are adored by plant enthusiasts, such as Monstera Deliciosa, Pink Princess Philo, Brasil, Heartleaf, and many more, including Philodendron Luxurians and Philodendron Gloriosum. Because of their similar appearance, many have a hard time figuring out their names and care guidelines. That’s why knowing the difference between them would definitely make your indoor gardening worth trying.

The differences between Philodendron Luxurians and Philodendron Gloriosum are few, but they can be summed up as leaf size, color, growth habits, and plant care requirements.

Philodendron Luxurians has dark green velvety cello-shaped leaves, whereas Gloriosum has slightly light green big heart-shaped leaves. Also, mature Luxurians plants have slightly smaller leaves than Gloriosum.

In this guideline, you’ll learn the key differences between these Philodendron plants, which will ensure the best selection for your house corner.

Overview of Philodendron Luxurians

Philodendron Luxurians call the dense, humid rainforests of South America, specifically Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, home.

It enjoys the warm and moist conditions that are characteristic of this equatorial region.

Overview of Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron Gloriosum originates from the rainforests of Colombia and other regions in Central and South America.

It thrives beneath the trees canopy and it gets to benefit from dappled sun light and high humidity in its natural habitat.

This plant is an evergreen perennial that forms a creeping rhizome that spreads on the ground.

Philodendron Luxurians vs Gloriosum: Quick Comparison Table 

Key features Philodendron LuxuriansPhilodendron Gloriosum
Visual CharacteristicsGreen velvety leavesHeart-shaped leaves with prominent white veins
Leaf colorDarker green leavesLighter green leaves
Leaf SizeSlightly smallerLarger than Luxurians
Prefer Sunlight LowlightTolerate brighter light
Required HumidityHighModerate
Tends to rotEasilyHard
Investment considerationHigher priceLow price

Philodendron Luxurians vs Gloriosum: Key differences 

Philodendron Luxurians and Gloriosum look similar due to the same genus and species. However, they have significant differences in their leaf sizes and methods of cultivation. Let’s see.

1. Visual Characteristics

Even if the Philodendron Luxurians looks similar to Gloriosum in terms of appearance, there are some significant differences if you pay attention to detail.

Both plants have almost green, velvety leaves. However, while Philodendron Gloriosum has heart-shaped leaves with prominent veins, Philodendron Luxurians does not.

Here, Luxurians have larger leaves in the shape of a cello or violin (matured leaf).

On the contrary, Gloriosum has prominent white veins that are shaped similarly to those of the Melanochrysum.

2. Leaf Color and Size

There are significant disparities in the color and size of leaves between Philodendron Luxurians and Gloriosum.

Opinions on shade intensity may vary, but Luxurians’ leaves are a little darker green than those of Gloriosum.

On the other hand, for its size, Luxurians have slightly smaller leaves compared to Gloriosum. 

3. Growth Habits

Their growth habit is another distinction between Philodendron Luxurians and Gloriosum plants. 

While Philodendron Luxurians plants are more compact and bushy, those of Gloriosum can have a more spread out growth or vining habit.

As your Philodendron Luxurians grows, it will tend to spread out some, giving a lush feeling when viewed as a whole.

However, the Philodendron Gloriosum has a creeping nature. This indicates that it will grow along the surface it is planted in or on the ground itself.

4. Required Sunlight

Both plants crave bright, indirect sunlight. Philodendron Luxurians can tolerate low indirect sunlight, but bright light is needed for Gloriosum if you want to keep it growing.

Philodendron Luxurians are dark plants that allow leaves to absorb more light. They scorch when exposed to excessive direct sunlight.

Gloriosum, on the other hand, can be put up with brighter lighting conditions and indirect sunlight. 

5. Required Humidity

Philodendron Gloriosum requires higher humidity than Luxurians. For Philo Gloriosum, maintain a humidity level of around 65% to 80%, whereas Philo Luxurians can do well with a humidity level of as low as 50%. But food with better foliage aims for a more humid corner of your house.

Both philodendron plants love humid conditions as they belong to a high humid forest. But Luxurians tend to rot more quickly than Gloriosum if you keep it in a low humid environment.

Luxurians plants have thicker cuticles, making it harder for water to evaporate from the leaves. That’s why overwatering can cause root rot more easily in Luxurians plants than Gloriosum.

6. Investment Consideration

Due to rare availability, Luxurians have a higher price tag than Gloriosum.

Although Gloriosum is a large plant with a striking appearance, the price difference is actually made depending on maturity, size, and demand! 

Caring for Your Philodendron

Your Philodendron Luxurians and Gloriosum need specific care tailored to their tropical nature. These are-

1. Soil and Repotting

For both varieties, use a well-draining soil mix that’s rich in organic matter. Philodendron Luxurians often prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH, around 5.0. 

Consider repotting every two to three years or when the plant becomes root-bound.

2. Watering and Humidity

These plants love moisture but not soggy conditions. Water such that there is constant hydration without water logging when the top inch of soil feels dry. 

Create a humid environment by misting the leaves or using a humidifier. You can also use a pebble tray to keep the environment humid.

3. Light and Temperature

These Philodendrons prefer bright, indirect sunlight. Also, it should be shielded from direct sun rays to avoid leaf burn. 

They thrive in temperatures ranging between 65-75°F (18-24°C), avoiding drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

4. Fertilization and Pruning

During the growth season, fertilize your plants once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer.  

For Philodendron Luxurians, pruning is not required. But you can trim only the yellowing or dead leaves to maintain the plant’s aesthetics and health.


What are the primary care differences between Philodendron Luxurians and Gloriosum?

Philodendron Luxurians usually need a little more heat and moist air compared to Gloriosum. Both species do well in indirect light and moist, well-drained soils. Nevertheless, the Luxurians may require extra care so that the root rot is prevented and their velvety leaves are kept intact.

How does the price of Philodendron Luxurians compare to Gloriosum?

Typically, the Philodendron Luxurians have a higher price than the Gloriosum due to their rarity and unique foliage. Prices may differ significantly depending on the size and maturity of the plant.

Where can I find Philodendron Luxurians or Gloriosum plants for sale?

These plants can be found at specialty plant shops, online retailers, and sometimes at plant swaps. Purchase from trusted suppliers to verify that the specimens are healthy and real.

Can you explain if Philodendron Luxurians is a climbing or crawling plant?

Philodendron Luxurians is one of creeping types. It usually spreads on the ground and might need space to expand as time goes by. To make its leaves more substantial, it may be necessary to provide an imitation surface that matches the natural crawling instinct.

What are the diverse types of Philodendron Gloriosum available?

There are not many varieties of Philodendron Gloriosum. Leaf size and coloration can differ slightly from one another. Such differences in most cases arise due to different growth condition rather than separate subspecies.

How does Philodendron Gloriosum differ from the Gloriosum zebra variety?

Zebra variety of Gloriosum is known for its white variegation which is sharply contrasting with dark green leafs. This makes them a dramatic but also extremely rare kind of already famous Gloriosum.

Philodendron Luxurians vs Gloriosum: Which Plant Is Best For You?

Depending on your personal preferences and your home’s growing conditions, you can choose between the best plants. 

Philodendron Luxurians is perfect for compact spaces with its smaller size, while Gloriosum is a more variegated version with large and healthy leaves. 

However, the two plants have similar requirements for their care; they both need well drained soil and bright indirect light.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Luxurians can quickly cause root rot. As a result, many flower lovers prefer Gloriosum because of its better look and ease of care.

In summary, one can choose the most suitable plant to grow in the house depending on individual preferences and the decorations required. What would be your choice? Do not fail to indicate this in the comments section.

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